Sound and Vibrational Healing using tuning forks
The goal of Sound Healing is to use vibrational frequencies with tuning forks specifically attuned to elicit a healing response — to promote the grounding, balancing and harmonizing of the body/mind/spirit — to change the balance of the body from dis-ease or dis-harmony to ease and harmony.
This is accomplished through the sound and vibration created when the tuning forks are activated (hit on a rubber plate). Then they are placed on acupuncture, trigger or pain points to initiate a healing response. The sound waves vibrate, traveling deep into the body. Because the human body is made up of roughly 70% water, sound waves easily travel through like ripples in a pond. These ripples can break up physical blocks like tight muscles, or emotional blocks like stuck feelings. When your body begins to relax, the healing process can begin.
The 7 tuning forks I use are specifically tuned to the scientifically calculated orbital properties of the Earth, Moon and Sun.